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 Fabuland / *542 (-5)
  Re: Numbers on Minifigs
From: "Sybrand Bonsma" <> (...) piece (...) Grazie, thank you! Mo --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: (URL) Sponsor: Scegli il tuo canale musicale con un click! * Entra in Clicca qui: (URL) (18 years ago, 2-Sep-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Numbers on Minifigs
(...) following: In a LEGO-mold a number of pieces are produced simulataneously (e.g. say 20 2x4 bricks at the same time). Each of these pieces has a different number (so for the bricks from 1 to 20) to be able to identify which part of the mold the (...) (18 years ago, 2-Sep-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Epsiode V
(...) Episode V already! I really have some catching up to do. I did enjoy episode I very much, but the others I did not see yet due to lack of time. I should make some time free to see also the other episodes. Best regards, Sybrand (18 years ago, 2-Sep-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Episode IV
(...) Oops! Sorry that this posted twice! That must be annoying... (18 years ago, 20-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives Episode I redux
(...) Im sure I will, I did check out the next two episodes after posting, and enjoyed them both as well, totally cracked up at the whole "knee" scene. I really enjoy how you throw in the "reality of the brick" sort of joke in now and then. Now Im (...) (18 years ago, 17-Jun-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)

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