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 Fabuland / *522 (-5)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives
(...) YES! I want Millions of dollars and delivered to my door. <waits patiently> well, shoot. (...) Right on. Thanks. (19 years ago, 18-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives
(...) Ask and ye shall receive: Fabuland Housewives Pilot Episode with Scene Selection!: (URL) Thanks for the great suggestion! --Mark (19 years ago, 17-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives
(...) I will get right on that. The scene selection-coming soon button must have been a horrible tease! The first episode is a special "double episode", I hope to keep it under 150 pictures per episode. That'll be easier on the viewers, not to (...) (19 years ago, 17-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives
This had its moments Mark. It was funny and cute, but llllooo...ooong. Please give us an index so we can leave it and come back to it. After a while I just read the line and hit next, sometimes skipping an image entirely. I got the drift and wanted (...) (19 years ago, 16-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland, FTX)
  Re: Fabuland Housewives episode 1
(...) Hi Mark, It's great! There are some great things in there. I really like the conversaton between Randy and Betsy about waking up. Bianca with her stroller and umbrella The queston to the doctor in the hospital And of course all the nice (...) (19 years ago, 15-Feb-06, to lugnet.fabuland)

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