Re: One day and counting(was Re: Six Days and Counting Down....
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 18:39:32 GMT
5005 times
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> Is "the Commons at Federal Way" also known as "SeaTac Mall" ? I am trying to do
> my mapping thing and not finding the address given on the mall site
Yes. They name changed a short while ago. Doesn't sound like they have changed
the phones over yet.
> (which I had to google for, there's nothing on the website)... When I call the
> mall info number the phonemail maze says SeaTac mall so maybe it is
> Hence is this map good enough?
Almost. The location is actually a few streets west in the darkly shaded
This is a better guide.
> Is this info listed on the site somewhere? I could not find it!
> Maybe locals all know where this mall is but out of towners could use a little
> reassurance.
Yes the address is currently listed in the FAQ.
Where is the event being held?
The event will be held in The Commons at Federal way.
The Commons at Federal Way (formerly SeaTac Mall) is
located in downtown Federal Way, just off I-5 at 320th.
The address is
1928 S. Commons
Federal Way, WA, 98003
> Also, WHERE is it going to be in the mall? It looks like a big mall, it would be
> nice to know where to park and etc.
Park on the North East Side. The location is just to the west of Target (the
easternmost point in the Mall)
Also there was construction on I-5 south last weekend. If the exit to 320th
street is backed up onto the freeway, The best method to get around it is to
pass it by and take the next exit south (Hwy 18 I believe). Go west to Hwy 99
and then North to 320th. It's a big loop but much faster than getting stuck in
stop and go for a mile on I-5. North bound I-5 is not affected by the
You can see the loop here: but the exit is off the
bottom of the map.
> Thanks! See you tomorrow!
Looking forward to it. Did you build your wacky racer?
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