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 Events / NWBrickCon / 224
    Re: Announcing the NWBrickCon™ 2004 Dirty Brickster Event —Kelly McKiernan
   (...) [SNIP] I've participated in both the BrickFest PDX and BrickFest 2004 Dirty Brickster events, and would have to say they were both highlights from each event. I'd recommend everyone spend the measly $10 to participate. From a practical (...) (21 years ago, 5-Sep-04, to
        Re: Announcing the NWBrickCon™ 2004 Dirty Brickster Event —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) (or more if you want to.. there were some things in both events that may have cost 10 when they were NEW but clearly were worth a lot more than that. I think few people went away unhappy!.. contrast that with my inlaws... we have a lot of fun (...) (21 years ago, 5-Sep-04, to

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