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 Events / BricksWest / 222
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Re: I can go to Brickswest! I also have a question....
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 03:01:46 GMT
700 times
In, Nick Crocco writes:

I know that pre-registration is over, so to attend Brickswest, I would pay
$15 at the door, correct?

Yes. $15.00 per person, per day. This entitles you to access the conference
sessions, games and acivities taking place at the Grand Pacific Palisades
Resort & Hotel. You would also have access to LEGOLAND to see the display at
the Pavillion, but attendees are honor bound to use this access to ONLY
enter the park for the Pavillion display.

Is there any discounts for Brickswest attendants who wish to go to the park
on Saturday??

No. No special deals have been arranged with the park for this, since it is
intended that you would want to be a part of the conference if attending
BricksWest...that is what it is there for, after all. Three-day full
attendees will have their time in the park on Sunday, of course.

Can I bring and display a MOC?

Yes you may. Simply bring it with you on Saturday, and after you check in at
the hotel, you will have the necessary paperwork to access the Pavillion to
leave your MOC. You would need to remove your model by the end of park hours
on Saurday, or arrange with the Expo Coordinator to have someone else remove
your model during tear-down on Monday.

Can I still get a goodie bag?

No. Far too late for that. There may be event shirts available for sale at
the event, however.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I can go to Brickswest! I also have a question....
Great, thanks for answering my questions so quickly and see you at Brickswest! ~Nick (23 years ago, 14-Feb-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  I can go to Brickswest! I also have a question....
Hey all. Some of you may know how badly I've been trying to find a ride to go to Brickswest ever since Brickswest was first discussed. I had given up all hope until yesterday, when one of my friends (with a car!) said he was going down to San Diego (...) (23 years ago, 14-Feb-02, to

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