Re: Catalogs / Classics discussions at BrickFest
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 20:17:50 GMT
466 times
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Roy Gal wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to thank those who have volunteered their sets for the Lego
> Classic (pre-1978) sets display / old bricks & sets discussion at BrickFest. It
> will be from 2-3PM on Friday. If any others would like to contribute, please
> let me know soon.
What do you have coming so far? Anyone bringing 50's bricks? I may be
able to bring a few rare printed bricks.
I'd be happy to help discuss 60s trains (I will be bringing some
examples of 60s trains for the 12v train room).
> I am also going to hold a presentation/display of Lego printed materials
> (mostly catalogs) on Sunday from 2-3PM. Anyone wishing to contribute should
> contact me. I will be bringing my entire catalog collection
> ( If you have
> interesting items that I don't, please bring them along!
I will be bringing my Pirate comic collection (with Italian, US English,
and UK English versions of 6255, and three of four Ladybird Pirate
comics), also I'll probably bring Jim Spaceborne (a space comic). If no
one is bringing Gate of the Present, I'll bring a copy of that. I'll
also probably bring Der LEGO Motor ( ).
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Catalogs / Classics discussions at BrickFest
| (...) Lego (...) BrickFest. It (...) please (...) Oh, man I better not miss this!!! I love talking about old Lego--forget the new stuff I want more old Lego... I just might bring along a few individual parts that are not often seen and might be just (...) (23 years ago, 3-Jul-02, to
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