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 Education / *286 (-20)
  Re: Bricks for Brains Big Announcement
(...) Congrats! Now, does this mean that when you run BrickBash, you aren't allowed to keep any of the gate proceeds? I mean, seriously, what does happen to all the monies we fork over for admission? I propose that you start divying it up amongst (...) (16 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to, FTX)
  Re: Bricks for Brains Big Announcement
(...) Thanks! No that's somebody else. I had hoped he would stop using it after I brought it to his attention last year. (16 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to, FTX)
  Re: Bricks for Brains Big Announcement
(...) Congradulations, that's very cool. Now is your Bricks for Brains and this (URL) Bricks for Brains> the same? (16 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to, FTX)
  Bricks for Brains Big Announcement
I am very proud to announce that Bricks for Brains (<>) has just received word from the IRS that our application for tax-exempt status has been approved. This will open doors for us in areas such as facility usage, grants, (...) (16 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to lugnet.announce,, FTX) ! 
  Lego Bible Study
Lego Bible Study went well. Though folks were very eager to learn more about our construction clubs, I managed to keep us focused on the textual deconstruction at hand. Unfortunately, a young person showed up, so I couldn't spend as much time on the (...) (17 years ago, 25-Mar-08, to,, FTX)
  Re: How to make a perfect octagon or hexagon?
(...) Yeah, about 5 minutes after I submitted that I realized just how stupid I've become as of late (I plead mercy due to a very nasty sinus infection... but dang it, I should have caught that even if I was unconcious). What will make it even (...) (17 years ago, 10-Dec-07, to
  Re: How to make a perfect octagon or hexagon?
(...) A 12-12-17 triangle is very nearly right, and has angles of about 44.9 degrees. I used four of them in making a stop sign: (URL) Note that all eight corners are nicely studded down. Joe and Brian wrote: (...) Well whaddaya know! I'd always (...) (17 years ago, 10-Dec-07, to lugnet.technic,, FTX)
  Re: Math display case filled with Lego models
(...) Awesome... I love seeing Lego used in manners such as this. Spotlit. Janey "Math is hard, lets go shopping, Red Brick" (17 years ago, 10-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  Math display case filled with Lego models
Last spring, my colleagues got funding for two shiny display cabinets for my math department. Appropriate displays were just slow enough in coming that I could (quickly) haul out several of my Lego math demonstration models and fill an entire case (...) (17 years ago, 10-Sep-07, to, lugnet.announce, FTX) ! 
  Re: Managing LEGO Learning - New Survey on
I'm cross-posting this to .robotics for you. (18 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to, lugnet.robotics)
  Managing LEGO Learning - New Survey on
(URL) newest survey focuses on how educators manage LEGO-based learning. We want to know how educators facilitate student learning in activities that use LEGO materials. How do LEGO activities help you meet academic requirements? How do you choose (...) (18 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to
  3rd Annual Summer LEGO Camp
To all, It is time for my annual (3rd year) Summer LEGO Camp through my local Parks and Rec program. Since the last camp (URL) I have relocated from Cedar City, Utah to Spanish Fork, Utah. After the move, I found that Spanish Fork had a more (...) (18 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to,, lugnet.announce,, FTX)
  Survey on - Managing LEGO Materials is working on an article on how educators organize and manage their LEGO Materials. To help us gather ideas from teachers and after school program leaders we've put together a survey to find out how you store and sort your (...) (18 years ago, 6-Feb-07, to
  Survey on - Managing LEGO Materials is working on an article on how educators organize and manage their LEGO Materials. To help us gather ideas from teachers and after school program leaders we've put together a survey to find out how you store and sort your (...) (18 years ago, 6-Feb-07, to
  8 hours, 10 NXT's, 10 kids ,,, Here we go!
Saturday Academy just got our shipment of 12 NXT's. I've got 2 one-week summer classes this week and next that I can test these on. Of course, I still have our tried and true RCXs to fall back on. And so I wonder. Sorting, installing software then (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jul-06, to
  Re: Advanced Mindstorms Robotics Summer Camp
(...) So they have *some* background, and you can just jump in? I'm wondering how basic a start you need. (...) Well, a *really* simple way of doing this is to have four robots sitting at the corners of a rectangular enclosure. Start one, and it has (...) (19 years ago, 18-Apr-06, to
  Advanced Mindstorms Robotics Summer Camp
Hi, I'm in the process of developing a summer camp called Advanced STEPS (Science Tehcnology and Engineering Preview) here at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. This is a follow on camp to one the participants were involved in as 7th graders. We are (...) (19 years ago, 18-Apr-06, to
  Lego Teams with ALC to Open Education Centers in North America
(URL) LEGO Group, through its LEGO(R) Education division, has signed an exclusive Master License Agreement with ALC Education Group, LLC of New York to bring the LEGO Education Center concept to the United States and Canada. The LEGO Education (...) (19 years ago, 13-Oct-05, to, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Chirality
(...) Well, if you want to show the lone pair of electrons you could. (URL) is a link to a pdf. I didn't think that sending you a 385 kB e-mail message was sucha great idea:) I thought the model was a neat idea. Unfortunately, one of the reviewers (...) (19 years ago, 10-Sep-05, to,,
  Re: Chirality
(...) Excellent Chris, what did you use for the bonds and what did you use for the atoms. And were you also able to show double covalent bonds. (which is something that would be hard to show) I would love to read the article if you want. I get so (...) (19 years ago, 9-Sep-05, to,,

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