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3rd Annual Summer LEGO Camp
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.announce,
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 15:32:48 GMT
19021 times
To all,

It is time for my annual (3rd year) Summer LEGO Camp through my local Parks and Rec program. Since the last camp I have relocated from Cedar City, Utah to Spanish Fork, Utah.

After the move, I found that Spanish Fork had a more advanced Parks and Rec program than Cedar City! I presented the camp about 5 months ago to the organizers and they agreed, after the customary jiggles about Adults and LEGO. Part of the agreement was that I assumed the risk of pre-purchasing the sets. No problem, one can always use more LEGO.

Another round of laughs were generated when I presented my available time slots for the camp which included three 5-day sessions with 9 participants in each session.

The laughs shortly ended after the first 2 days of registration; 27 children signed up filling all three classes and a waiting list was generated. I am hoping for a 4th class in August.

Anyway, please read the thread too,, for a better idea of the previous camps.

Once again, I am using the “Creator” line for the bulk of the sets. 3 of the days and the take home set are from “Creator”. I am going to try Andrew Cross’ suggestion to create a city on one of the days.

Again, I am pre-separating the models for ease of building.

Here is the outline of events:

Day 1: Mini Pod Collection 5 Minutes – Micro Building (Cutebot) 5 Minutes - Introductions - Get to know the participants and me 10 Minutes - LEGO Part Lingo - I hand out a paper with printed LDraw parts and we discuss how to ask for and name a part, such as, 2 x 3 plate, 2 x 2 cone, etc. 40 Minutes - Set Building (Build 1-4 Models from the set)

Day 2: Wild Hunters 5 Minutes – Micro Building (Seagull) (Optional) 5 Minutes - MOC Presentations 10 Minutes - LEGO Part Lingo 10 Minutes – Speed build. Time Participants on building a frog made of 11 pieces. 30-35 Minutes - Set Building (Build 1-3 Models from the set)

Day 3: Highway Haulers (4891) 5 Minutes – Micro Building (Car) (Optional) 5 Minutes - MOC Presentations 10 Minutes - LEGO Part Lingo 15 Minutes - Back to Back Building. Two participants are given two different models. One model is completed and the other model is just pieces. They sit back to back and one participant using the completed model and Parts Lingo tells the other participant how to put their pieces together without looking at the model. Then they trade roles. It is a blast to get back together and see how the models turn out. 20 Minutes - Set Building (Build 1-2 Models from the set) 10 Minutes - Double Elimination Racing. I bring in some planks of wood and we race the cars down the planks. Most times the wheels are too small and the model too light to race in a straight line every time. Anxiety is high just trying to get past the finish line!!

Day 4: City Building (5482) 5 Minutes - MOC Presentations 10 Minutes - LEGO Part Lingo 45 Minutes – I will design a city using LEGO road plates and then ask the participants to create buildings, houses, etc. to populate the city

Day 5: Robo Platoon (4881) 5 Minutes - MOC Presentations 15 Minutes - LEGO Part Quiz - Follow-up from the Part Lingo. I hand out a paper with new printed LDraw parts and the participants need to match the part with the name. 30 Minutes - Set Building (Build 1-3 Models from the set) 15 Minutes - Free Building (Participants can use the remaining bricks to MOC)

I will be taking pictures but I am unsure, at the moment, where I will place them.

Suggestions and Feedback are appreciated.

Thank you, Brian Pilati

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