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Duplo Castle set 4776 - and a problem
lugnet.duplo, lugnet.castle,
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 08:26:58 GMT
12433 times
I picked up the ‘Dragon Tower’ Duplo Castle set (4776) today at LLCA and it is a very nice set. I was worried that I would not like them, that they would be “to MBish”. While they do have a hint of “MBish” to it - it is still a very cool set and the kids loved it.

The Dragon was a big hit! My kids had much fun flying him around and smahing him into the various Duplo buildings they built up. The drawbridge was easy for them to work - same with the trap doors in the floors. I think the walls could be more Lego-like, but understand it is needed to be more sturdy and hold up to the rough kid play.

Here is the ‘problem’. The picture of the set very clearly shows the shields have a design on them (either via sticker or direct printing). This can be seen in the set picture on S@H here and the box art shows the same both in the set picture and the parts included picture on the top of the box. My set had no design printed on the shields and no stickers at all in the box. The other decorated elements (2 1x2x2 bricks) are both printed with the design and are as shown in the set art.

Does anybody else have this set and can confirm the status of these shields either way? And Lego - you may want to look into this as it appears to be some sort of error.

oh ya - almost forgot. I really do not like the new design for the Duplo minifigs. I do not know why they were changed, but they all look like they have been riding a horse for too long and somebody stretched out their arms in some twisted torture ritual.

Mark P

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Duplo Castle set 4776 - and a problem
I just purchased 4776 from Toys R Us, and it has the same problem - the shields are simply black rather then printed like it shows on the box. I did buy the smaller Knight and Squire set at the same time. The shield in that set is printed. Thus, I'd (...) (20 years ago, 4-Dec-04, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.castle,, FTX)
  Re: Duplo Castle set 4776 - and a problem
(...) I brought that set at legoland Windsor and mine had plain black shields too. What a series tho. The castle is fantastic. If only the new minifig scale one was 1/2 as cool. Lego should place the Duplo Castle set designers on work for KK3 (if (...) (20 years ago, 5-Dec-04, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.castle,

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