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 Duplo / *587 (-5)
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Thanks! (...) It was in the 25th Anniversary Tub that was out a few years back. It is just like the regular 2x4 silver brick that was out in tubs at the same time. It is the sme material as the Star Wars ship that has all that chrome in the (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) He tells me it is the main laser gun, only to be used when they get in trouble. He says they only use it when they get in trouble because the 2 piolts in front do not like the laser shooting over their head that much. (...) And he says thank (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Jeff (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
Looks like he's having fun! Are you gonna introduce him to the 'small bricks' anytime soon? :) -JHK (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
Looks like he's having fun! Are you gonna introduce him to the 'small bricks' anytime soon? :) -JHK (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,

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