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 Duplo / *566 (-5)
  Duplo eggs for anyone interested
I have 2-3 full cases (12 eggs per case, basically 3 of each of the 4 types of eggs) left from a batch of 6 cases I found at a local supplier. 3$ per egg or 35 USD per case. I didn't want to wait till they did the 50% off discount since then there (...) (22 years ago, 13-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Duplo WTC Memorial
(...) I think it's a very eloquent statement. Well done. My thoughts are with you. Joe Meno (...) (22 years ago, 10-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo)
  Duplo WTC Memorial
(URL) created this little memorial out of Duplo. Originally it was just the tattered American flag. (I don’t have much white Duplo.) I wanted to have the towers in the flag but couldn’t decide how to do it, since I only had the basic Duplo colors, I (...) (22 years ago, 10-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.announce.moc)  
  Re: LEGO Suggested Ages of Play
(...) Decide for yourself. One Step Ahead (and I'm sure other vendors) makes a simple choking hazard tester that's great for evaluating small toys. There are lots of Primo/Baby stacking toys available. Also, check out the new Explorer musical toys. (...) (22 years ago, 9-Sep-02, to, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.primo)
  Updates to the DUPLO Printed Brick Database
During the last few weeks the DUPLO Printed Brick Database here on LUGNET has been updated a few times. I have received several information updates and pictures of older bricks from Christian Boeker and Sabine Mayrhofer. Some recent purchases of Bob (...) (22 years ago, 3-Sep-02, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.general) ! 

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