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 Duplo / *381 (-5)
  Re: Bob the Builder in K-Mart :)
(...) [I've trimmed the groups for my reply] Wow, I didn't think we were supposed to see these in Australia until September! Must get myself to a Kmart (I hope they're in Tas), my son is a big Bob The Builder fan and it's his birthday this weekend. (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: Bob the Builder in K-Mart :)
(...) Here you go: (URL) (23 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Bob the Builder in K-Mart :)
(...) Cool. (...) I thought that was neat too. (...) Not quite yet. the S@H catalog says August 1 for us. (...) I'll try to scan them today, and post to BrickShelf. I also have the pics Xtian put up before the official release, so you can see all (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.duplo,,, lugnet.general)
  Bob the Builder in K-Mart :)
I was looking in the LEGO isle of my local(1) K-Mart today when my daughter called out "Bobleo Builder". I was quite suprised when I turned around to see two of the Bob the Builder LEGO sets. The sets were: 3273 - "Bob, Lofty and the Mice" - AU$30 (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jul-01, to lugnet.duplo,,, lugnet.general)
  Re: Found the Rabbit (it was Belville not Duplo)
(...) Cool! My renedition of the rabbits is shown below: (URL) movies, though. Sorry ;-) That's your specialty! -Shiri (23 years ago, 5-Jul-01, to lugnet.duplo, lugnet.belville, lugnet.animation)

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