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 Dear LEGO / 1309
1308  |  1310
Re: It is a commercial nonsense to have closed
Fri, 7 Jan 2000 01:58:27 GMT
1356 times
First, for non-US customers, it is actually impossible to get more sensors for
ours RCX.



I can tell you that we will be adding some mindstorms to the Nugator Company
( a few weeks or so at prices signifigantly lower
than shop at home.  mostly just stuff from the basic sets but there will be
sensors and any other things we can find.  As for now and sensors unavialalbe
through sets (or any other parts that you are unable to get) if you email me
at we may be able to work something out.

Jason M Normand

The Nugator Company

Message is in Reply To:
  It is a commercial nonsense to have closed
Hello Dear Lego, I think it is really a commercial/marketing nonsense to have closed the (URL) web site. First, for non-US customers, it is actually impossible to get more sensors for ours RCX. Second, you've closed the site for around 6 month time (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jan-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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