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 Database / Set Inventories / 360
359  |  361
Re: Can anyone identify this?
Mon, 22 May 2000 12:53:28 GMT
1206 times
Frank Buiting <> wrote in message

AFAIK it was used in <set:8235>, <set:8280> and <set:8222> (not sure but I
thought in the colours yellow, red and grey).

Had a look through brickshelf via lugnet search function, referring to
instructions on that site, and in 8235 it's plainly visible in yellow from
the lugnet set search results as well, in set 8280 instructions it's grey in
instructions, (scan 15 if I remember correctly) and in 8222 I do believe
it's in white somewhere behind the pilot's seat, although instructions for
this set are not available on brickshelf yet.

Cheers ...

Geoffrey Hyde


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Can anyone identify this?
(...) AFAIK it was used in <set:8235>, <set:8280> and <set:8222> (not sure but I thought in the colours yellow, red and grey). -- Frank Buiting Visit the LEGO Lexicon: (URL) (25 years ago, 22-May-00, to lugnet.db.inv)

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