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 Database / Set Inventories / 1424
1423  |  1425
Re: Gold Storage Case (Late 1990's)
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 00:43:13 GMT
1079 times
In lugnet.db.inv, Adam Howard writes:
I have several Gold Storage Cases- Similar to Sets 782 and 783 only they are
half the size and have a Gold color. I know I bought them between 1996 and
2000, but none of them have any identifying numbers on them. I looked on the
LUGNET set database and could not identify anything that matched them. Does
anyone know what the set number for these cases is. I believe they were part
of the Limited Edition line, but I am not sure.


If its the one that I am thinking of, it was sold with an Adventurers values
pack. See here...


Note the gold case on the right side of the box picture.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Gold Storage Case (Late 1990's)
(...) Thanks Ray, I don't recognize the box. But the gold case looks the same. I'll mark it down as this for now. I really thought I bought them as individual cases, but I bought a lot of Adventurer's Egypt so it is probably the one- hmmm. Thanks, (...) (22 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to lugnet.db.inv)
  Re: Gold Storage Case (Late 1990's)
(...) They were available in K-Mart and that was actually two sets and the Gold Case in 1999/2001. The Adventurer's set was the Mummy's Tomb 5958; (URL) the other was Extra Bricks 4229 (genious name); (URL) think I have three of them Gold Cases, and (...) (22 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to lugnet.db.inv)

Message is in Reply To:
  Gold Storage Case (Late 1990's)
I have several Gold Storage Cases- Similar to Sets 782 and 783 only they are half the size and have a Gold color. I know I bought them between 1996 and 2000, but none of them have any identifying numbers on them. I looked on the LUGNET set database (...) (22 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to lugnet.db.inv)

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