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 Color / 162
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Re: Color Change background
Thu, 13 May 2004 18:16:20 GMT
893 times
In lugnet.color, Richard W. Schamus wrote:
   Ok Folks, It’s been a long time since I’ve been flamed (quick check to my behind to see if 3rd deg burns have sufficiently healed over... yup), so I guess it’s time to get my fanny fried again.

Jake, thank you for the explaination. I at least (though I can see that there are many others as well) appreciate that you have come forward with this information. It was inciteful and detailed, and to some degree helpful (in that we shouldn’t have to speculate how these things are decided anymore -now we “know”).

Rich, I have to pick on you, buddy ;-)

Above, you say ‘inciteful [1].’ I can’t tell if that was a genuine typo, or if you meant it as a reference to how any official posts about the color issue incite harsh posts against the company and the messenger. I think it was the former, but I can never be too sure...

Nevertheless, a funny faux pas! ;-)


[1] vs. insightful, or lending insight to ...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Color Change background
(...) Yep, typo. Making messages without spell/grammer ccheckk will do that to you. (Yes, I know. It's intentional.) Have Fun! C-ya! Rich (21 years ago, 13-May-04, to lugnet.color, FTX)

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  Re: Color Change background
(...) Ok Folks, It's been a long time since I've been flamed (quick check to my behind to see if 3rd deg burns have sufficiently healed over... yup), so I guess it's time to get my fanny fried again. Jake, thank you for the explaination. I at least (...) (21 years ago, 13-May-04, to lugnet.color, FTX)

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