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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 1706
1705  |  1707
Re: Tauros Military Outpost
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 15:43:56 GMT
2729 times
Very well done! I look forward to attempting buildings in such detail

I really like how you have the webpage set up to download all the pictures,
as I like to save all the large images on my harddisk so that I can look at
them later. It's really convenient to not have to wait for each one to


"Wilson Raska" <> wrote in message
Hey everybody, I'm back after a long period of lurking.  But not to worry,
I've brought a little something back with me.

The Tauros Military Outpost was my big project for our local fair, and • it's
been almost a year since it was first started.  So after much toiling away
taking pictures, building the web-pages, and then moving the entire site,
the Tauros Outpost is finally viewable in it's full glory.

I've finally moved my site to a new, more easily recognizable domain name.
So if you've got links people, change 'em now.

Okay, enough rambling.  You can check out the Tauros Military Outpost in • the
Structures section of the main page, located here:

I also changed my header pic on the main page, as well.  The old one was
getting a little, well, old.

Let me know what you think.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Tauros Military Outpost
(...) Thanks! (...) Hey, no problem. I actually didn't know I had set it up like that, but I guess it's a good thing, so that's good. Thanks for letting me know. Wilson (22 years ago, 5-Nov-02, to, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Tauros Military Outpost
Hey everybody, I'm back after a long period of lurking. But not to worry, I've brought a little something back with me. The Tauros Military Outpost was my big project for our local fair, and it's been almost a year since it was first started. So (...) (22 years ago, 2-Nov-02, to, lugnet.castle) !! 

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