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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 1704
1703  |  1705
Re: Tauros Military Outpost
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 07:44:57 GMT
2666 times
In, Richard Noeckel writes:
                 (((Jaw-Droppin’ Amazement)))

~F,hatp uwasps’ scompltel-lwee wimcredablll`….

<Reaches down to locate jaw, then swiftly reattaches it>

                    Ahhh, that’s much better…


What I meant to say is;
  That was completely incredible the way you used the
adventures base as an island preceding the jutting cliffs
behind. The whole scene just ‘SmAcKs’ of Peter Pan’s
Lost Boyz ‘Never-Never-Land’ mystical refuge!!!

You captured a feeling in this creation that speaks invariably
of a cliff dwelling outpost for the dregs and outcasts of society.

         I jus’ love it soooooooo much!

Wow Richard, thanks for the awesome comments!  I really like the way the
adventures baseplate worked out.  And I think it looks a lot better with the
sculpted sand bar things, than just square, like I had it before.

I'm glad you like the whole "ruggedness" aspect of it.  It kind of makes you
look at it a little harder when you see it and can't pick out patterns and
such, and I think that's the reason it looks so detailed, because each
section has its own special structure.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Tauros Military Outpost
(((Jaw-Droppin’ Amazement))) ~F,hatp uwasps’ scompltel-lwee wimcredablll`…. <Reaches down to locate jaw, then swiftly reattaches it> Ahhh, that’s much better… What I meant to say is; That was completely incredible the way you used the adventures (...) (22 years ago, 2-Nov-02, to, lugnet.castle)

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