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New Steps (was: First True Harry Potter Pics!)
lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.castle
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 14:49:11 GMT
60 times
In lugnet.harrypotter, John Radtke writes:
Looking at 4706 it appears the staircase axis column has dividing lines for
each stair segment.  It can't be one big piece with that misaligned step
though the square base doesn't seem to be replicated anywhere higher up.
Hopefully the steps are separate pieces.  Or if they are attached in one or
more segments then perhaps the steps rotate freely on the axis column and
fan out.  That would be cool - magically appearing/disappearing stairwells!
- not to mention just plain being adjustable.


I'd like to go a "step" further in the analysis of the stair piece(s). They
are located on the inside of a folding wall section. For the structure to
close, the stairs must be moved. This lends to the supposition that the
steps are in sections and slide around the central columnar axis. There are
16 steps. Between the 5th and 6th from the top is a mis-alignment -
guaranteeing that there is (at least) one separated piece. Also, at the top
and bottom of the steps is a plate thick mounting piece, square. The overall
distance the stairs travel is 11 bricks and 1 plate. A total of 34 plates.
We see a plate thick piece at the bottom and one at the top - leaving 32.
Each step is two plates thick. My guess is that the stair pieces are all
single step units which are connected at the center using a 1/2 Technic peg,
built in protruding from the top - allowing free spinning movement and
connecting to a hole in the bottom. When the building is closed, all of the
steps are turned to "disappear" into an innocuous column. I see this meaning
that the "building possibilities are endless". I can hardly wait to see if
my analysis is correct - by buying a dozen copies!

My two studs worth,

Wayne (#297)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Steps (was: First True Harry Potter Pics!)
(...) John, Thanks for the insight. Looking back I would agree that the HP and Belville stairs are two different 'critters'. I think both you and Wayne (see below) are correct about the HP stairs - they look like each step and column section are one (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: First True Harry Potter Pics!
(...) I don't own 5890 either but it looks different - the underside is a smooth edge and the steps don't meet along a central axis. That does look like a dark grey staircase in 4709 - good eye there. My first question was whether these would fit (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.castle)

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