Re: Answering the Call for Action
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 12:51:47 GMT
567 times
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Anthony, this is really cool to see the entire Model! Right on! Like I said
in the past, you hvae started a new catagory in building...."Dragons" !!!!
Seriously, it really looks good....and what's all this non-sense about
attention and posting, who ever said that is not helping anyone.....I think
when you post about a new construction, your sharing and that's important. I
enjoy getting feedback about my creations.
In fact a shameless plug:
Your site and your creations are for everyone to see and enjoy, don't let
any sour-puss's say different. I enjoyed your site, I have gone back to it
several times. I look foward to seeing another Dragon when you build one!
Good luck on MOTM!
In lugnet.castle, Anthony Sava writes:
> I have mixed feelings about posting this, after all, certain people say I only
> do this to get attention.
> Regardless, Tamyra Teed has called out to us castle heads to come up with
> LDrawn Castle entries for the MOTM. I, along with several others, have
> answered her call. This is my submission to the Model of the Month
> contest:
> Tel'Karak Zrahl, the now virtual wind of death
> She is my second attempt at building something in LDraw, and my very first in
> using POV-Ray, so please forgive me for the lack of control for the lighting
> and background. She is made up of 70 independent sections, allowing her to be
> posed in almost any conceivable position. Basically, she's modeled almost to
> be almost totally identical to the real thing. Changes include changing of
> colors where in real life I did not have the same bricks.
> Further pictures can be seen here.
> I shall be putting the dragon in different poses this weekend, if the spirit
> moves me I'll share those as well.
> -PLMKWYT.... oh wait, darn, I must be starved for attention, just like those
> certain people said. It's a good thing they aren't starved for attention
> either and don't post their creations to be shown off as well. Whew, I'm sure
> glad they told me I'm starved for attention or else I'd never know.
> --Anthony
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Answering the Call for Action
| I have mixed feelings about posting this, after all, certain people say I only do this to get attention. Regardless, Tamyra Teed has called out to us castle heads to come up with LDrawn Castle entries for the MOTM. I, along with several others, have (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jun-01, to lugnet.castle) !!
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