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Re: Castle World Map
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 04:41:55 GMT
2995 times
In lugnet.castle, Tim Coats writes:
craig hamilton wrote:

In lugnet.castle, Tim Coats writes:
I am playing with the idea of trying to make a map using POVRay which
would allow not only a top view of the map, but a rendered 3D view of
the map with trees and mountains, etc.  Does anyone think this is a good
idea, or is it too much work.


hey, timbo!

  yes, it's a great idea, and it will work on the CW map i'm currently
designing. ...and, yes, it's too much work, but it'll be fun and well worth
it! try to hang loose for a couple more weeks when pawel and i will have a
LOT to show ya!

If people are interested I will try to get POVRay to output the sample
version I was playing with as an example.

We would need to work out a key for the Lego map:


1 stud = 1 mile (5 miles, etc.)
1 plate thickness = 1000 feet of elevation (I didn't want the relief map
to get too carried away)
Lego blue is water
Lego lt green is plains
Lego green is hills
Lego pine trees (1/4 size) are pine forest
Lego palm trees (1/4 or 1/8 size) are tropical forest
Lego tan is desert
Lego Dark gray is mountains
Lego White is snow
Lego Grey is castle/city
Lego yellow is beach (possibly coral reefs)
lego lt blue (possibly prickly bush (1/4 size)) is swamp
Lego red is Lava/volcano

Anyway, that is a brief summary of the direction I am thinking with the
Lego maps

There could actually be several scales, but they should be standardized
and everyone should use them, like: world map scale, regional scale, and
local scale.


Timbo! you're psychic! well sort of. amazingly close to what i've been
working on! the color code i'm using (thus far, always room to change later)
is a bit more simplified, and used to denote basic textures :

blue ~ water

lt. blue ~ as a "shoreline" border, and for inland bodies of water (rivers,
lakes, etc..)

green ~  "jungle" 90%(+) vegetation

brown ~  "forest" 60% vegetation

light gray ~ "combination" boulders w/ 30% vegetation

dark grey ~ rough mountain w/ 10%(-) vegetation

beige ~ "desert" sand (also beach!)

orange ~ volcanic

  these textures are overlaid on a variety of surface forms in diferent
combinations. (a green mountain range is vastly different from a drk grey
one.  hills, mountains, and other three dimentional features are marked by
the landform.

black ~ is used to mark these land forms

red ~ is used for the square grid (just the cross-hair corners) overlay

yellow ~ is used for markers noting occupied realms.

if this sonds kind of basic, keep in mind that i'm working on a "global"
view, and want to keep realms as carte blanche as possible to allow for
maximum creative freedom later on. what you have envisioned, timbo would be
stunning for a closer range modeling! i'm anxious to see it!

  there is a proposed scale (yes, down to the pip!) worked into this map. i
had been thinking of the possibilities of extendending the grid three
dimentionally! i'm psychic, too!)  to map height and depth would be AWESOME.
but a brick isn't a cube. for overhead mapping, the lego ratio is there as
long as you work in squares.(thus, as you said, modeling in diferent scales
is possible!) but a brick height is a different scale, and i'm not
mathmetician enough and too sleep-deprived to figure it out.

later ~ craig~

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle World Map
(...) If people are interested I will try to get POVRay to output the sample version I was playing with as an example. We would need to work out a key for the Lego map: Like: 1 stud = 1 mile (5 miles, etc.) 1 plate thickness = 1000 feet of elevation (...) (25 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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