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 Castle / 21023
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Cart and BrickQuest figs
lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.gaming
Mon, 5 Sep 2005 17:40:42 GMT
15349 times
First off is a cart I made for my DnD characters. I play DnD on the weekends with friends from work. We use the figs to help in battle situations.

Also, I’ve been playing with ideas on modifing BrickQuest to include both classes and races. For fun last night, I wanted to make variations of the basic mixes of both. The races are Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Halfling, Satyr, and Centaur. The classes are Fighter, Archer, Monk, and Assassin.

I’ll post the stats I’ve been working with a lil later maybe.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Cart and BrickQuest figs
(...) Nice cart! Once our party gets around to buying one, maybe we'll build one too. Of course, there's 9 of us in our party! We've been using Lego mini-figs for our .5 ed D&D as well. I wonder how many other people do this? I've seen it once (...) (19 years ago, 6-Sep-05, to lugnet.castle, FTX)

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