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 Castle / 20649
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Re: Post something 2 Castle!
Sun, 23 Jan 2005 19:12:05 GMT
4375 times


In lugnet.castle, Richard Noeckel wrote:
Surely we've got somethin' interesting going-on
up in here. The Vikings are on their way, a few of the KK2 sets are not so bad,
chrome armor is back, and we've got new and interesting weapon accessories.
Also, a whole dimension of realism has arrived with the Vikings.

Things will never be the same.
But this could be a good thing.
It smells good to me!

We will se. I'm not going to get too excited about the Vikings until I have seen
them with my own eyes. I'm not going to complain, either. I'm looking forward to
them, though.

So don't let Klassic Kastle steal all the conversation.

You are invited to participate in the conversations there :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Post something 2 Castle!
Something... It's been about 2 (two) dayz since the color scandal took over, and still .castle is quiet on all fronts. Surely we've got somethin' interesting going-on up in here. The Vikings are on their way, a few of the KK2 sets are not so bad, (...) (20 years ago, 22-Jan-05, to lugnet.castle)

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