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 Castle / 20195
20194  |  20196
Re: First Look!
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 12:15:42 GMT
3125 times
In lugnet.castle, David Laswell wrote:
In lugnet.castle, John-Paul Enaje wrote:
I think it need that plume hole at the top if the helmet.

Oh, absolutely.  The tricky part is that the hole would need to have enough
clearance for the fat plume or the triple plume, but if it's too high or too far
back it'll look odd.  Maybe it could be tipped forward at an angle?

Speaking of which... I have yet to see anyone make a Custom Plume piece.

It's sort of specialized, but I believe Isaac Yue's Greek helmet has a removable
plume.  If it is, however, I'm not sure if it's designed to work with the
standard plume holes, or if it's just designed to fit that particular helmet.

Hey guys,

I've been kicking the "my own plume thing" around already. I'd like to make
a "torse", or twisted roll, for the top as well as a better plume. Of course
these would be clip-on pieces. They'd look great for tournament stuff.
Take a look at he first 2 helmets on this page for reference -

We'll see what happens in production.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: First Look!
(...) Oh, absolutely. The tricky part is that the hole would need to have enough clearance for the fat plume or the triple plume, but if it's too high or too far back it'll look odd. Maybe it could be tipped forward at an angle? (...) It's sort of (...) (21 years ago, 30-Jul-04, to lugnet.castle)

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