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Re: AWESOME 5' fantasy castle on Brickshelf
Tue, 18 May 2004 02:33:52 GMT
2289 times
In lugnet.castle, David Gregory wrote:
   I haven’t seen anyone claim this incredible structure in the Castle newsgroup yet, so I thought I’d share the link to the folder for whoever it is that built it.

5’ tall castle

This is one of the tallest and best built castles I’ve ever seen. It seems like kind of a girly castle, because of all of the light blue and pink, but its massive size puts this idea to rest.

Here are some thumbnails:

There is one very bad thing about this gallery though; the pictures are HUGE! The first one is 3.03 MB. I have dial-up, so it just wasn’t worth it to view more than a couple of pics.

Whoever fosterbengoshi is on Brickshelf, let us know so we can give you some well-deserved compliments.

Well there’s someone with that username on Bricklink, you could try contacting them there. With a username like that it’s highly likely they’re the same person :)


Message is in Reply To:
  AWESOME 5' fantasy castle on Brickshelf
I haven't seen anyone claim this incredible structure in the Castle newsgroup yet, so I thought I'd share the link to the folder for whoever it is that built it. (URL) 5' tall castle> This is one of the tallest and best built castles I've ever seen. (...) (21 years ago, 18-May-04, to lugnet.castle, FTX)  

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