Re: AWESOME 5' fantasy castle on Brickshelf
Tue, 18 May 2004 02:33:52 GMT
2289 times
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In lugnet.castle, David Gregory wrote:
I havent seen anyone claim this incredible structure in the Castle newsgroup
yet, so I thought Id share the link to the folder for whoever it is that
built it. 5 tall
This is one of the tallest and best built castles Ive ever seen. It seems
like kind of a girly castle, because of all of the light blue and pink, but
its massive size puts this idea to rest. Here are some thumbnails:

There is one very bad thing about this gallery though; the pictures are
HUGE! The first one is 3.03 MB. I have dial-up, so it just wasnt worth
it to view more than a couple of pics. Whoever fosterbengoshi is on
Brickshelf, let us know so we can give you some well-deserved compliments.
Well theres someone with that username on Bricklink, you could try
contacting them there. With a username like that its highly likely theyre the
same person :)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | AWESOME 5' fantasy castle on Brickshelf
| I haven't seen anyone claim this incredible structure in the Castle newsgroup yet, so I thought I'd share the link to the folder for whoever it is that built it. (URL) 5' tall castle> This is one of the tallest and best built castles I've ever seen. (...) (21 years ago, 18-May-04, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
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