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 Castle / 18969
    Watchtower, around year 600 —Arne Lykke Nielsen
   Hi! A watchtower from the hills of the Lower Alps: (URL) was originally intended for the Classic Castle Contest, but as this came around, it turned out to be older than the medieval castles, and didn't really fit into any of the contest catagories. (...) (21 years ago, 28-Dec-03, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Watchtower, around year 600 —Erick Jensen
     Coolness! That is the most unique way of building roofs i've ever seen. And I have to say, that is alot of brown shovels! I really like that rope bridge too. (21 years ago, 28-Dec-03, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Watchtower, around year 600 —David Gregory
   Maybe if I leave all my dark gray shovels out in the rain, I can have that many brown ones too. ; ) (21 years ago, 29-Dec-03, to lugnet.castle)

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