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 Castle / 1859
  Re: Customs (was Re: Finally, I have a page!)
In lugnet.castle, Richard Marchetti writes: and writes, and writes... ;-) at the risk of this post becoming an annex of my tips & techniques page, so do i... (...) me too. when do we get to see your signature 'fig, that maiden of mayhem, Scar(let)? (...) (25 years ago, 24-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Update of my page (was:Re: Customs (was Re: Finally, I have a page!))
(...) Here it is, same URL, I updated the page: (URL) (...) Well, Richard wasn't so sure... I might add some details later. About the storyline, there will be much of it involved with my buildings. The stories I make up inspire me to make the (...) (25 years ago, 25-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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