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 Castle / 17028
17027  |  17029
Re: A New Epic
Wed, 4 Jun 2003 01:36:46 GMT
1278 times
In lugnet.castle, Stephen Bishop wrote:
Hello all,

I finally got the time to take some pictures and do some writing and as a result
have posted the first seven chapters of my castle epic. Hopefully more will be
coming in the next few days of so. The pictures are already completed I just
need to write the story to go with them.

Here is my main page URL:

And here is the story URL

Hope you all like it, and any comments, questions, and suggestions are more than

Thanks for your time

Hi, I just looked through your site and I love it.  I haven't read the story yet
but I will be.  I like the lay out and everything.  I never read any of those
books by Terry Brooks but when I see your pics I remember the covers, they're
perfect!  Everything looks great and I look forward to see what you have in
store for that Space section.  Keep it up!


Message is in Reply To:
  A New Epic
Hello all, I finally got the time to take some pictures and do some writing and as a result have posted the first seven chapters of my castle epic. Hopefully more will be coming in the next few days of so. The pictures are already completed I just (...) (22 years ago, 3-Jun-03, to lugnet.castle)

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