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 Castle / 1664
1663  |  1665
Re: Shoulder Pads
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 20:22:46 GMT
1177 times
Steve Bliss <> schreef in berichtnieuws
In lugnet.castle, Arjan Brugman writes:

Bill Farkas <> schreef in berichtnieuws

Can anyone tell me which sets came with this piece?

As far as I know, it comes in these 5 sets:

2847 - UFO Flyer
6900 - Cyber Saucer
6915 - Warp Wing FIghter
6975 - Alien Avenger
6979 - Interstellar Starfighter

The shoulder pads appeared in these sets as well.  Mix of black and dark • gray
pieces.  Maybe gray, I couldn't tell from the pictures.  Only one • pads-piece
per set.

2964 - Space Spider (anyone ever see this set after the initial spotting?)
2965 - Hornet Scout
6837 - Cosmic Creeper
6906/6907 - Sonic Stinger
6969 - Celestial Stinger
6977 - Arachnoid Star Base


You're absolutely right! Totally forgot about the ugly Insectoids...
So there _is_ a use for those sets afterall!

Arjan Brugman

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Shoulder Pads
(...) The shoulder pads appeared in these sets as well. Mix of black and dark gray pieces. Maybe gray, I couldn't tell from the pictures. Only one pads-piece per set. 2964 - Space Spider (anyone ever see this set after the initial spotting?) 2965 - (...) (25 years ago, 17-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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