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 Castle / 1617
1616  |  1618
Re: Shoulder Pads
Sat, 15 Jan 2000 01:42:56 GMT
1098 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Johnston writes:
Steve Bliss wrote:

In lugnet.castle, craig hamilton wrote:

the spanish armada helmets and visored helmets fit well with the shoulder
pads. the result is a bit fantastical, though, suggesting advanced metalurgy
skills that barbarians may not have.  a fright knights batlord helmet also
works well with the ufo armor as it does vaguely resemble batwings.  the
secret is not to push the heads completely down on the neck peg to get the
best fit.

What?  You all push your leaders' heads all the down?  But then how can they
stand tall amongst their followers? ;)

Maybe all his leaders are female?

(The 'dress' slope is taller than a standard pair of minifig legs, so all of the
dresswearing LEGOwomen are quite a bit taller than their male counterparts...)

  it's their high heeled shoes underneath, i'm sure!

  later ~ craig~     is     Jeff Johnston
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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Shoulder Pads
(...) the (...) counterparts...) (...) LOL! Do they never take them off? Ouch! that must hurt ;-) -Shiri (25 years ago, 15-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Shoulder Pads
(...) Maybe all his leaders are female? (The 'dress' slope is taller than a standard pair of minifig legs, so all of the dresswearing LEGOwomen are quite a bit taller than their male counterparts...) (25 years ago, 15-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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