Re: I'm Back!
Sat, 1 Feb 2003 03:37:30 GMT
1627 times
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In lugnet.castle, Nathan Todd writes:
> Ahhh... If this works I am once again
> posting in my faviorite lugnet group! I
> realize I am not particularly well known
> here or a frequent user but I will be back
> to contributing now. Thanks much to Matt Hein
> and Josh Wedin for posting a message and
> helping to get me back up and running.
Ah, nice to see that you're posting again!
{How did you fix the posting error?)
> I Leave for New Zealand Tuesday so more
> silence there but I'll be posting again as
> soon as I get an internet connection down
> there. I hope to post pics of the *FIRST*
> complete MM street before I go.
This should prove very interesting, so I'm
looking forward to good results. By the way,
is there any chance you'll throw in a few new
structures to compliment the project as well?
(When I get my lattice panes and tan bricks
from bricklink, I'll finally start a decent
MM project...)
> God bless all,
God bless as well.
<<_Matt Hein_>>
Fellow lego enthusiast
O s p r e y
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: I'm Back!
| Hi, (...) Good to be back. (...) I got a new email (actually I tried quite a few but eventually found a address works.) (...) Depends what all you've seen (there are 8 buildings, some quite interesting...) Post should be up soon. (...) (...) (22 years ago, 1-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | I'm Back!
| Ahhh... If this works I am once again posting in my faviorite lugnet group! I realize I am not particularly well known here or a frequent user but I will be back to contributing now. Thanks much to Matt Hein and Josh Wedin for posting a message and (...) (22 years ago, 1-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)
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