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Castle Minifig Races
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 03:08:34 GMT
1703 times
Any ideas for medieval races in a half-fantasy half-realistic world?  So far,
I have:

Ice Knights:  white-uniformed figs armed with the trans-blue spears, they live
to the north of the continent using arctic baseplates and polar bears.

Barbarians:  Figs using a mixture of pirate, indian, castle, and stingray
elements to create a barbarian-ish look, they are armed with axes, pikes, and
clubs.  They live in the western mountains in crude societies that often
declare war on each other.

Dark Elves:  The forestmen with the black markings on their torsos with old
black-belt green-leg space police lower bodies, yellow hands, black feathers
on their brown hat, and black arms.  They are expert assassins, using the
aquazone knives, and crossbows.  I made their forest out of black tree
elements, going for a dark and swampy feeling.

Elves:  Normal forestmen living in a treetop village in the forests not far
from the Imperial Castle.  They are divided into three categories:  Red, blue,
brown, and yellow-marked forestmen, signifying their rank and regiments.  They
use normal brown bows and pirate cutlasses.

Raiders:  Wolfpack renegades, they live in forest-based hideouts and even have
some hideouts in the mountains where they stash their pirate coins and
adventurers rubies.

Peasants:  These farmers and workers populate the countryside around the
Imperial Castle.  They provide food to almost every race on the continent.

Imperials:  Royal knights based in the central east.  They are basically the
U.S. of the medieval world and have established small outposts in far-off
lands to protect its people, gaining that land's favor in times of war.  They
use primarily spears and swords.  The Lord Knight rides upon a large white
dragon that I made.  It has red lights in its mouth, causing a fire-like

That's all the races I currently have in my universe, but I'm trying to
expand.  Anyone have any other races?

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Castle Minifig Races
(...) I had a similar idea when I saw those wonderful trans-blue spears that will be coming out soon. Also, you could use clear (trans-white?) helmets with a black visor, and maybe a silver breastplate, to make a truly icy look. And don't those dark (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Castle Minifig Races
My world isn't as fleshed out yet as yours (since it's only in planning stages until my space creation is done), but here are the factions in store: Kingdom of Mitteland, ruled by King Frederik I and his son the Prince. This is the main setting for (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Castle Minifig Races
(...) Well, I'm planning (and starting) that type of world right now. My main types of characters/races are gonna be: (notice I have many names missing. I haven't thought of those yet.) The [Imperial? Royal? Monarchs?]: Good King Franz rules the (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Castle Minifig Races
What would be extremely cool for an Ice Knight soldier would be a white mini- fig with blue arms and hips, silver breastplate, clear shield, lt. trans blue spear, ninja head, and a white ninja swath thing that goes on the head. But the sad thing is (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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