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 Castle / 14439
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A 'bathedral', my latest giving in to temptation...
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:24:11 GMT
1148 times
A few weeks of building and some more days of working out some ideas are
shown here in a few pics. They are made with a standard camera, so quality
could be better (flash is most of the time diverting). But I hope they still
show the pleasure of making this building in the first place.

On Brickshelf you can view my cathedral, originally (and for some deatails)
inspired by Daniel Siskind's version. (see
His part E (with building instructions) was my point of starting:
did I have enough grey bricks to build this walls, did I have enough black
slopes to build the roof?
I knew on forehand: I don't have this sand red and tan 2 x 2 bricks. But I
had a few red and yellow...

What started as a challenge and learning proces of building,
became my own project which lured me into hours of building...

Here are the first pics of this challenging project.

Cathedral1: the entire building

cathedral2: the tower in parts
- the cross is build as inspired by Manfred Moolhuysen. See
- the middle has the clock inspired by James Mathis, see
- the lower part has some original inspiration:
- using legs of Starwars droids as fence in the tower
- using Sebobal as a frigthning develish character above the entrance

cathedral3: the middle part replaced and revealing the organ (which fits
nicely into the next part);
- notice the batism-font supported on fish (christian symbol!).
- notice also I've tried to make a difference on both sides of the church.
On 'this' side of the church there are grey birds (parrots in the front, for
the rest grey bats), on the 'other' side i've used black birds (mostly bats,
that's why I wanted to name this church a 'batholic' church ;-))

cathedral4:this s the part based on Daniel Siskinds building instructions
(Guarded Church Model D, see:
- I've made a torch lighted lamp, hanging from the ceiling (also coming
back in the middle part and the last part of the church). I like to think
this is a original discovery, but maybe somebody else did already came up
with this idea?

cathedral5: the upper part of the middle section (which itself is dividable
in three parts: the sied entrances are removable, after lifting the
roofsection) shows another invention: using the arms of the StarWars droids
for fencing the roof. Also the Ninja wall pieces helped me to disguise my
lack of apporpriate roof pieces ;-)

cathedral6: here you can see the entrance removed, reveiling grey statues
with trumpets and bat(hedral) shields. Upon closer inspection you can see
two hand behind the left pillar: they are from a praying and kneeling monk
which I would like to picture another time.

cathedral7: this is the 'dark side' of the church (mark the black bats, and
dark grey lion heads at the entrance -idea inspired by Gary Thomas, see - ). Here (as on the other side) I've
tried to make a goodlooking stainglassed window.

cathedral8: two guards in the last part of the church, guarding the box with
remains of the founder of this 'bathedral' (left) and his dark red walking
staff, still as fresh as in the beginning and therefor believed to have
powers beyond belief (right in the arched section behind the right guard).
Here also clear the light hanging from the roof.
In the back-part of this section you can notice the large wooden cross,
embedded with red gems.
By the way, the guards now also have there own 'bathedral' shields.

Pictures to come will show:
- in the middle section an altar with silver plate and wine set (used for
-  pulpit with preacher
- the chair on which the bishop can sit (Latin: cathedra), making this
church a cathedral
- the outside of the last part
- a bird view of the cathedral.

Sure I like to know what you (happy builders out there) like of my latest
'giving in to temptation'.

Daan Bargerbos

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