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 Castle / 14245
14244  |  14246
Re: Castle MOC!
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 03:56:22 GMT
943 times
In lugnet.castle, Yaron Dori writes:
In lugnet.castle, Aaron West writes:
Howdy my fellow LUGnuts!
I have posted a few first shots of my Quest:  Gareth Seeks To Become A
Dragon Rider.

Truly a wonderful work of art, I like a lot of the little details you used,
like the little dragons on the roof and the scepter in the hand of Torquil
yet, I don't too much fond of the non LEGO (MB) bricks.

Yaron "Webrain" Dori

Thank you!
As to the MB, the only MB stuff in this MOC are the Dragon, Banner &
Standard, and the sacred weapon.  The rest is all LEGO.  The interior of the
caverns are equally detailed, and FULL of goblins!!!
More shots of that later!
Stay tuned to CASTLE, the best theme

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle MOC!
(...) like the little dragons on the roof and the scepter in the hand of Torquil ((URL) I don't too much fond of the non LEGO (MB) bricks. Yaron "Webrain" Dori (23 years ago, 7-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle)

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