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 Castle / 14219
    Re: The sands of time have run out... —George Haberberger
   (...) Anthony, Wow, This is the first time I really looked at the Chronicles of Ikros, and I was really impressed with everything. Your characters are great, the implied backstory is very deep, and hte MOcs are all wonderful. Definitely one of the (...) (23 years ago, 6-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
        Re: The sands of time have run out... —Anthony Sava
   (...) I gave a mass reply to those who gave predictions to my story, but since you replied to the original post, I figured you deserved a direct reply. I'm glad you liked my world, it's come a long way from it's humble beginnings. Though I am (...) (23 years ago, 8-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
        Re: The sands of time have run out... —George Haberberger
   (...) Did I save five? I'm not even sure there are five. But aside from Ikros, I like the storyline of Andrastavia, and the few glances I've taken of the Forest of Blood are intriguing. Considering the huge amounts of time even a small story takes, (...) (23 years ago, 9-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,

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