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 Castle / 13904
    Re: Heraldry Terms —James Brown
   (...) Gold. :) Almost all of the heraldric terms come from old French. Salient is derived old French for leaping or jumping; Or is old (and current) french for gold. (...) Will do. Is there specific info you're looking for, or should I just shout if (...) (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle,
        Re: Heraldry Terms —Steve Bliss
   (...) Well, heraldry terms and technical names for objects are always good. I'm looking for any words that people might reasonably use to search for a part. You can check the patterned parts on these pages: (URL) you click the link on each (...) (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle,
        Re: Heraldry Terms —James Brown
   (...) Ok. I'll work on building the proper heraldric terms for the various blazons in use. I'll bug my wife, and see if she can give me some of the terminology for some of the clothing indicated on the torso patterns (although most of those, I (...) (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle,
        Re: Heraldry Terms —Steve Bliss
     (...) Very good! :) (...) That's all we ask. It doesn't have to be complete -- if there's no good term for brown, then we don't have any data to add for it. Brown is brown. (...) If you could email them to me in bunches, that'd be great. Steve (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle,
        Re: Heraldry Terms —Dave Schuler
   (...) By the way--are you going to make it to Pennsic this year, you crazy medieval geek?!? Dave! (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle,
        Re: Heraldry Terms —James Brown
   (...) Nope. :( My holiday time this year is fairly heavily constrained due to a major infrastructure upgrade at work; I didn't even make it to Clinton this year. That and the fact that a toddler and a crawler make long travel, um, interesting... (...) (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to
        Re: Heraldry Terms —Dave Schuler
   (...) I'm only able to make it for the final three days myself, so I sympathize with your real-world constraints. I'll be sure to thump a few skulls for you. Dave! (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to
        Re: Heraldry Terms —James Brown
   (...) heh. :) Don't thump too many though; I'm out of practise. :/ thanks, James (22 years ago, 7-Aug-02, to

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