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 Castle / 13248
13247  |  13249
Re: (_Some sets of interest for Castle folks_)
Wed, 22 May 2002 16:09:14 GMT
1695 times
In lugnet.castle, James Brown writes:
In lugnet.castle, Dave Schuler writes:
In lugnet.castle, Richard Noeckel writes:

For only $5USD there should be a few elements of interest?
I'd just love to have a pure red halberder, longbow, & crossbow!

   Is this crazy talk, or do others also think that it’d be fun to
have on of these knock-offs! The boxes alone would be pretty nifty,
and the few accessories would be an interesting novelty!

Am I alone?

I'll be buying at least one of them, and I'll post a review thereafter.

In the meantime, I'm not so sure that all of these parts are direct copies
of canonical pieces.  For instance, what about the two grey cones in

You mean at the top of the two pillars?  Looks an awful lot like:

...or am I missing something?

Hmm.  Well, now I don't know.  At first, it looked like the ones in the pic
were too short, compared to the real things I have setting on my desk.  But
when I look at the partsref image, it seems like a match.  Weird.

Maybe this'll be the one I bid on, so I can find out for myself.


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  Re: (_Some sets of interest for Castle folks_)
(...) (URL) am I missing something? James (23 years ago, 22-May-02, to lugnet.castle,

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