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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 782
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Re: BrickDreams Update - New Scenes, Gear Model & Other Stuff (long)
Sat, 31 Mar 2001 01:09:44 GMT
929 times
Ross Crawford wrote:

Sweeeeet! Technic rules! Looking pretty good Micah. The main detail I miss is
the 45 deg slots for axles near the edges. Gotta have those! Also, there should
be a tooth centred above the Lego logo. Hard to tell from that angle, but it
looks like it's not quite right.....

Anyway, thats enough pedantism, I think! Wonderful scenes!


Modern 24T Technic gears don't have those 45 degree slots anymore, but
yeah thanks for pointing out the misalignment on the teeth. They're
actually offset 7.5 degrees; when I modeled it, I inadvertently centered
the boolean intra-tooth cutout negative objects where the teeth should
be centered. I'll be sure to fix that in the next model revision.



Micah J. Mabelitini - LUGNET #918
The University of Kentucky
SECC Middlesboro Academic Skills Resource Center -

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BrickDreams Update - New Scenes, Gear Model & Other Stuff (long)
(...) the 45 deg slots for axles near the edges. Gotta have those! Also, there should be a tooth centred above the Lego logo. Hard to tell from that angle, but it looks like it's not quite right..... Anyway, thats enough pedantism, I think! (...) (24 years ago, 30-Mar-01, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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