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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1427
    Re: Excellent rendering... —Fredrik Glöckner
   (...) renderings is to work more on the surface/colour definition within POV-Ray. The one which are the default from LGEO or L3P are probably not the optimal ones. With all due respect to the authors, of course! I don't mean to belittle their work, (...) (23 years ago, 3-Sep-02, to lugnet.cad.ray)
        Re: Excellent rendering... —Travis Kunce
   i do see what you mean. it seems as if my colors are always a little dark using the lgeo librarys, but the detail makes up for it, and photoshop usually gets it to where i can live with it. -tk "Fredrik Glöckner" <> wrote in (...) (23 years ago, 3-Sep-02, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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