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 CAD / MLCad / 528
527  |  529
Loving 1.99, here's what I've seen...
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 23:47:25 GMT
2293 times
The options for rotation points don't seem to be working 100%.
The rotations themselves seem perfect, but the point of rotation selection
options are having some trouble.

I would assume that the "Part Center" option means that the part will rotate
about its bounding box center, but this isn't working.

Select a part such as #2420 (2x2 Corner).
When you first pull the piece into the model, the POR is located at the
center of the "middle" stud.
If you select "Part Rotation Point", the POR remains in the same location.
And if you select "Part Center", which I would think would place the POR at the
crux of the "L" (the center of 2x2 plate). But the POR remains in the same
place as before.
Being able to rotate from these differing locations will be great! Especially
since not all parts are authored with their center lying at their origin, yet
there are times when rotating about a part's natural center is preferred to its
"Rotation Point".

Going great otherwise though!


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