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 CAD / MLCad / 381
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Re: A couple of bug/feature notes
Tue, 5 Sep 2000 04:09:34 GMT
2225 times
There is a CTRL + 'M' for modify - still wana 'M' plain - no problem.
CTRL + 'Z' is reserved for 'UNDO' - still not in but ....

MLCad currently supports - Select one ore more parts - press and hold SHIFT
+ CTRL - press the left mouse button in one of the viewing panes - and move
the mouse up / down - Zoom in/out to the current selection :-)


Jamie Obrien <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
Hi, haven't come across the first one.

But the second should just be a matter of changing the focus to the text • edit
in the WM_INITDIALOG, and keep the OK as the default pushbutton.

Also, i keep hitting M,MMMMM, M would be a nice shortcut for Modify, • MMMMM.

Would there be anyway to add a zoom function where you can either click a
location for it to zoom in/out (could use click+shit for out), or even a • drag
zoom, where you click the region you want to zoom into?

Is there a Z for Zoom (in) ctrl-Z Zoom (out)?

<MLCad Rocks!!>

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