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 CAD / MLCad / 1881
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Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad
Mon, 21 Jun 2004 21:38:57 GMT
601 times

your wishes are welcome, just send them by e-mail.


"Niels Bugge" <buggelego2@+antiSPAMmail. dk> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
In lugnet.cad, Michael Lachmann wrote:
Just a quick not, that I've a new release ready for download ...

Best regards,

First of all thanks for a really great program, I use it all the time and • get
much joy from it. But I was wondering: Are you only interested in bugs • right
now, or can I add (a lot of) new wishes as well?

Anyway, here's a list of bugs I'd encountered in 3.0 that have survived:

_1 Undo doesn't work_
- It would REALLY be a great help if this function worked: delete is so • close to
the button you use for moving things y+.

_2 Bad integration of the two windows availibly parts tree (APT) and part
preview (PP)_: Example: When you click on bricks in the APT-window, the
PP-window changes to bricks, but if you then shift to slopes via the PP • scroll
list (S), it doesn't affect the ATP-window that stays stuck in the
brick-section, whicht mean that you have to take a little trip around • something
else to shift the PP back on bricks (don't hit the baseplates or you'll • wait
forever!). -When you're building your model up in layered steps, you do a • lot of
this kind of shifting around and the small delays adds up to a lot of • wasted

_3 Enter position & orientation works irregulary_: When you want angle • something
in more directions (I do this a lot!), it's different if you have more • pieces
selected, or only one:

{1 piece:} The last thing you wrote in the rotation vector boxes is still • there.
Thats fine if you whish to correct it, but really annoying if you whish to • add a
new angle "on top of it", since the first angle gets deleted if you add • another
one. The problem can be averted by temporarily adding a second piece (see
below), which isn't very satisfying since it affects the rotation point.

{More pieces:} Contrary to the previous one, the first rotationvector gets
hidden in the rotationmatrix so you can add anoher one "on top of • t".  -Thats
fine if you whish a more complex orientation, but if you're trying to hit • a
certain angle it can get pretty messy because you have to remember exactly • what
rotation direction you're wordking in, and which angle you added last: • When you
start making errors (and errors when trying to correct them), this can get
really messy.

-What I really would like was that it was optionally, if you whished to • correct
      the angle (single piece verions) or add another one on top (mulitple • piece
      version), instead of being "pushed around" by the oddities of the • program,
      but a combination of an undo-buttom that works and hiding the last • angle
      (mulitple pieces version) would work fine.

But now I've drifted into my long whislist, so I hold here untill I find • out if
this is the thread to voice them in.

Best regards

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
(...) First of all thanks for a really great program, I use it all the time and get much joy from it. But I was wondering: Are you only interested in bugs right now, or can I add (a lot of) new wishes as well? Anyway, here's a list of bugs I'd (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad, FTX)

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