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 CAD / LDD / 89
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Re: Need LDD 2.0 Help from the Experts on Making Instructions
Wed, 4 Apr 2007 01:02:47 GMT
29750 times
In lugnet.cad.ldd, Christopher Masi wrote:
Tim Gould wrote:

Nice reverse engineering.

exploded="true" angle="0" ax="0" ay="1" az="0" tx="0"
ty="9.9999990463256836" tz="0"

I know this one :)

Well some of it anyway... tx, ty and tz are the translation from the origin, ax,
ay, az define a unit vector and angle defines a rotation angle (in radians
IIRC). (tx,ty,tz) and angle define a rotation matrix

R=[t tx^2  + c     t tx ty - s tz  t tx tz + s ty
   t tx ty + s tz  t ty^2 + c      t ty tz - s tx
   t tx tz - s ty  t ty tz + s tx  t tz^2 + c     ]




OK, but why would those things be specified in the directions area? The
directions refer to a part ID, and the part ID is defined in the model
group. Where the part ID is defined is also where the location of the
brick is defined.

Just thinking out loud,

I suspect it's a camera angle. Whether or not it's actually implemented at the
moment is a different matter.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Need LDD 2.0 Help from the Experts on Making Instructions
(...) OK, but why would those things be specified in the directions area? The directions refer to a part ID, and the part ID is defined in the model group. Where the part ID is defined is also where the location of the brick is defined. Just (...) (18 years ago, 4-Apr-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd)

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