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LXF files - info and XML schema
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:41:22 GMT
! (details)
29600 times
Hi all,

With respect to this discussion Tue Jakobsen from the LDD team sent me an email with the following text

“I can confirm that the .lxf file is a zip file.

When saved from LDD it will contain a small picture of the model (IMAGE100.png) and a model file (IMAGE100.LXFML).

It is possible to save the lxfml directly from LDD, by using the export feature.

As for the lxfml format I can supply the following validation schema and a document with a brief verbal overview of the tags in the .lxfml format.

I hope this can be useful, if you want to support the .lxf and .lxfml format in your own applications.”

and this file attached (remove the .file extension before use).

Hope this helps anyone interested in adding support.


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