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MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
lugnet.cad,, lugnet.announce
Mon, 5 Dec 2005 09:29:07 GMT
193 times
We're pleased to announce that voting for the December 2005 Model of the Month
and Scene of the Month Contests is now open.

Visit the voting page to cast your vote:

Please inform me of any errors you may encounter.


Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) when i click the link I get: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/www/users/peero...pnuser.php on line 313 Good thing this is restarted again! Thumbs up! :) (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
Oh wait: when I logon to first, I get no errors. Good work! (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) I'm not complaining as I think it's a bit of a silly rule but this entry (URL) does not fit the rules I read (800x600 and <150k). Does this mean the rules have been changed and if so, can I submit a larger entry of my scene? Yours, Tim (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) It looks like I was only allowed to vote in one of the two categories. First I voted in MOTM and got to a page saying "Thank you for voting". Second I voted in SOTM and got to a (similar) page saying "You are not authorized to carry out this (...) (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
Hey Orion, Would it be possible for people without logins to at least be able to see the entries, even if they cannot vote? I had a login at one point, but tried all my normal usernames to no avail. Bruce (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to

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