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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 3560
3559  |  3561
Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
Tue, 6 Dec 2005 17:38:00 GMT
2261 times
In, Dan Boger wrote:
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 10:14:28AM +0000, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:
This prevents people from remotely calling the followon PHP function
to process the form data without actually using the form (i.e. bot
protection among other things).

And what do we need "bot protection" for?  It is already a "members
only" page.

Not to mention that it's trivial to bypass it if you did want to use a
bot.  If we need to do bot protection, we can use a captcha (similar to
the way we're protecting the full installer) when votes are actually
submitted.  But there's no reason (imo) to disallow multiple windows.

While I agree with both of you, we should keep in mind that Orion said that this
is a postnuke problem.  Since the whole site is done with postnuke, I don't
think there's much he can do about it, unless there's some postnuke option to
work around the limitation.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) Not to mention that it's trivial to bypass it if you did want to use a bot. If we need to do bot protection, we can use a captcha (similar to the way we're protecting the full installer) when votes are actually submitted. But there's no reason (...) (19 years ago, 6-Dec-05, to

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