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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 341
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Re: LDraw Webring
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:06:33 GMT
1170 times
Tim Courtney writes:
Fredrik G wrote:
On this page, it is written that one should use the browser's image
saving feature to download the images.  Are we supposed to look into
the page source to do this?  Moving the mouse over the logos of • clicking
on them gives no response on my browser.  This does not appear to be • too
user friendly, in my opinion.

Since each browser is different, you should know and learn your own
browser's image saving feature.  Simply it is just telling your
browser to save the image displayed on your hard drive.  It is no • different
than saving any other image.  Typically, it is a right click on the • image
and a menu pops up and you click to save the image.

Only if you have a right mouse button and Windows 95/98/NT.  I'm not sure
how I would save an image in Win3.1 without displaying it separately in
the browser first.  I think what Fredrik is asking for is that clicking
on the image would open it alone in the window, making the Save operation
very straight-forward (ie, File | Save As ).  Adding that little feature
is easy (just make the image a link to itself) and makes the page more

Bram Lambrecht           / o   o \ 

Message is in Reply To:
  LDraw Webring
I have just released the LDraw Webring on If you have a site with LDraw creations on it, please join! The URL is: (URL) if you would like your LDraw model featured as a LDraw Webring logo, please email me. I would like to support a (...) (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.general, lugnet.cad,,

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