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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 365
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ldraw viewer 0.4 observations
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 21:14:02 GMT
1954 times
I uninstalled Fruit Menu to see if it was the source of my crashes, but
now after using contextual menu to change color of a brick, mouse clicks
register about 30 pixels to low. When I click on a brick, I wind up
selecting the brick two bricks down, if there is one, or nothing if
there isn¹t a brick two bricks down.

Pressing "command d" in save dialogue box still unsuccessfully tries to
issue the ³Duplicate² command from the ³Edit² menu. Issuing key
combination "shift command H" does jump to home directory. I didn't know
if I should mention this since I mentioned it before. I thought I should
just in case you thought that you fixed it.

Initial selection of LDRAW folder simply says ³...choose a folder². The
text should be more descriptive. Maybe ³Locate LDRAW folder²?  Also,
after choosing an LDRAW folder I was dumped to an untitled empty window.
I quit program before testing for a crash (I assumed it would) sorry.

Thanks for making ldraw viewer ResEdit-able. I added my own keyboard
commands for the "Orientation" and "Select part name..." commands :)

I have noticed some strange artifacts when rotating a model using the
mouse. Bricks sometime appear larger or the wrong shape. On one
occainsion I saw a large black and gray artifact that did not appear to
be related to any brick. If pictures would be helpful, let me know, and
I will put them on my site.

Please do something about the inserting a brick on top of another brick
way of adding a brick. Either jumping the part to the top of the
previous brick or listing the parts somewhere (as in LDGLite/edit mode
for example) would let idiots like me know what is going on. Here is
what just happened to me, and I know that bricks are added on top of
other bricks...

I'll sign off here, read about my idiot adventure if you want to...

created new document
changed gray 2x4 brick to black 2x4 brick
changed black 2x4 to 1x4
inserted (command i) new 1x4 brick
moved new brick up 3 plates and to the left three studs
selected original brick
inserted (command i) new 1x4 brick
moved new brick up 3 plates
rotated brick on x axis by 90° (wrong axis)
rotated brick on x axis by -90°
rotated brick on z axis by 90° (wrong axis)
issued undo command (command z)
rotated brick on y axis by 90°
changed movement to fine.
moved brick half stud to the left
rotated model
moved brick half stud to the right (half stud out of the plane of the
screen from original view point)
rotated back
changed movement to normal
selected second black brick
inserted (command i) new brick
moved brick 5 studs to the right
changed color to red
inserted new brick
moved new brick down three plates
changed new brick from 1x4 to 1x2
tried to select black brick that was rotated out of the plane of the
couldn¹t select brick
selected other bricks no problem
rotated model with mouse and repeated
   still couldn¹t select the brick
Quit program
Restarted program by double clicking icon of file
still cannot select rotated brick
launched classic LDraw Viewer
Cannot select brick in Classic LDraw Viewer either.
Opened file using Word.
Looked fine, but there are two parts in the same position.
Oh, I duplicated the brick that was rotated out of the plane without
noticing. I was successfully selecting the brick but I couldn¹t tell
because there were two bricks on top of each other.

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