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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 229
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Re: New LDRAW renderer for the Mac
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 17:51:16 GMT
2445 times
In, Andrew Allan writes:
For several months now I have been working on a new LDRAW renderer. I did
this to over come some of the shortfalls in the renderer in LdGLite (Mac)
that I converted earlier this year.

In principle I was looking for faster and smoother rendering of LDRAW
models. Mac LDRAW Viewer renders about 10 times faster than LdGLite and can
rotate small models at speeds of up to 78fps on my G4-400 (Yikes) machine.
NB this version is speed restricted to 30fps.

What I'm looking for is feedback as to where to take the program (keep it
nice please) and some idea as to it's stability on other systems.

Speaking of other systems, I did a quick and dirty port of the sources
to check out the speed for myself.  It's pretty speedy, but not quite
as pretty. :-)

Slightly modified sources and a makefile are available here if anyone
without a Mac wants to play with it:

This quick hack expects a .DAT file on the command line, and only works
when run from the ldraw directory.



Message is in Reply To:
  New LDRAW renderer for the Mac
Yes its true, however don't too excited yet. For several months now I have been working on a new LDRAW renderer. I did this to over come some of the shortfalls in the renderer in LdGLite (Mac) that I converted earlier this year. In principle I was (...) (23 years ago, 9-Aug-02, to

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