Thu, 11 Mar 2004 19:45:12 GMT
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"Tore Eriksson" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> 86 messages have been posted in this thread so far. I don't have a chance to
> catch up what has been discussed by reading all posts.
> Is it possible to make a brief and relatively easy-to-read summary of the most
> significant suggestions, and what where the current discussion tends to lead to?
> I think that this could be benificial for more than just me.
Ok I try and hope that I do not forget something here, all others please
correct me if i'm wrong - but no cheating!
The discussion is about finding a way to specify alternate directories to be
searched before, after or inbetween the standard ldraw directories. Each
directory has to be on a single line preseeded by optional keywords
indicating if you would like to see parts in this directory in a part view
(e.g. MLCad's Part-Preview) or not.
Another keyword will tell the programm if the directory specified is a
sub-directory of a standard one or not.
Here the general syntax:
The definition begins with
followed by one or more lines like
n = <VisibilityOption> [<PathKeyname>]Path
where n is a running nummber starting with 1 and counting up,
VisibilityOption currently is one of
<SHOW> .... to display parts in this directory
<HIDE> .... to use them when rendering a model only, but not to display
them a useable parts
more options might follow
PathKeyname is one of the standard directories
<MODELDIR> is the current directory of your project or the directory
where the current loaded file is located.
more paths might follow
As an expamle the ini section for the standard search path:
3 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>Parts
4 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>Models
> Just one small question: will these parameters be put in ldraw.ini and/or the
> system's table of environment variables? Or somewhere else, like in the
> %LDrawBaseDir%? (Hopefully not the third option) Personally, I would really
> prefer ldraw.ini only. If an environment variable, is it portable to use 8+
> characters?
We suggested to have that in the ldraw.ini, but it might also be used in
environment variables and
in the registry as well - but I believe we said in the file now ... (not
sure anymore).
> Any another sillier question just to show my ignorance: Pre and post stands for
> before and after. In this case, before and after what? Before scanning the
> default search path for LCad files I guess? If so, will it stop scanning by the
> first match?
You can insert your directories wherever you like, before, after or between
the standard lines.
> Is there a page where the current consensus is published?
Not yet.
> Well, that was a little more than jst one question...
Doesn't matter!
> /Tore
Message has 2 Replies: | | Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - Summary please!
| (...) Currently my code doesn't expect all the spaces above, but I'm open to that. The LDrawSetup program that I'm also writing at the same time can not preserve the spaces if you add or delete options, so it will ruin any nice table formatting you (...) (21 years ago, 11-Mar-04, to
Message is in Reply To:
| 86 messages have been posted in this thread so far. I don't have a chance to catch up what has been discussed by reading all posts. Is it possible to make a brief and relatively easy-to-read summary of the most significant suggestions, and what (...) (21 years ago, 10-Mar-04, to
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